This is just some notes for myself that may be useful for other people.
Scenario: As a server administrator I want to keep the backups secure so only myself can restore them.
OSX hostname: earth.local
Ubuntu Server hostname: mars.local
GPG Installation
#OSX $ brew install gpg #Ubuntu $ sudo apt install gpgv2
Creating keys
earth$ gpg --gen-key earth$ gpg --list-keys
Encrypt a file test
earth$ gpg -e -u albertsola -r albertsola mysql.sql
Decrypt a file test
earth$ gpg -d mysql.sql.gpg > mysql.sql
Exporting public key
earth$ gpg --output pub_albertsola.gpg --export albertsola #binary earth$ gpg --armor --export albertsola > pub_albertsola.asc #text
Importing a public keys on the server
mars$ gpg --import pub_albertsola.asc
Encrypting the backup
mars$ gpg -e -u -r mysql.sql mars$ rm mysql.sql
Downloading and decrypting the backup
Copy the file to earth:
earth$ scp albertsola@mars:~/backups/mysql.sql.gpg . earth$ gpg -d mysql.sql.gpg > mysql.sql earth$ rm mysql.sql.pgp